Thursday, December 16, 2010

 Welcome Abuyognon!!!!....

Abuyog is a first class of municipality of leyte. This site will promote abuyog tourism attraction for anyone who plans to visit Abuyog leyte. There are many hotels,restaurants and a lot of  beach resorts. Abuyog is also known as the Buyogan because of the Buyogan Festival held every year.
The Abuyog Hotel is  the first one established hotel in the town. The Abuyog municipality promotes this hotel to visitors and also specially the tourists  who want to visit and discover how beautiful  Abuyog Leyte is.

The tribu buyogan last  2009 was invited to join the Sinulog Festival in Cebu. Many foriegner got the idea to visit Abuyog. The Tribu Buyogan has now become the trademark of Abuyog. this!!!!